
Saturday, December 24, 2011

Judul: Pacar, Tujuan: Allah

Minta pacar sama Allah itu....
bagaikan mancing di kolam tetangga.
Bingung harus pake umpan apa
Dan jelas mengerti kalau mencuri ikan di kolam tetangga itu nggak boleh.

Minta pacar sama Allah itu....
Mengerti kalau ada perintah larangannya, tapi pengen banget pacaran....
Dan selalu gagal dapet doa yang tepat.

Friday, December 2, 2011

I'm A Geek :D

I love physic *but I hate math hahaha*
I love watch discovery channel and national geographic.
My favorite show on it is Mythbuster and Test Your Brain.
I better watch science-fiction than drama.
I read a lot sci-fi and adventure and 'investigating-detective-like' novel.
I'm a geek. B)

Sesuatu yang keren dari ilmuwan adalah dia bisa mendapatkan segalanya. Hahaha, yup, everything.
Gun, bomb, blade, knife, poison, meteor, huge-hubble-telescope, super computer, bullet-prove-glass, a ton weight of steel, a corpse, everything :D
Suka iri ya kalo liat mythbuster gitu.
Playing with gun *a real gun*, try to catapult a dead body with a real tree-catapult, screaming 'Fire in a Hole!!!' and bomb something, fire a car prove that it won't blow even we shot at its' fuel tank,  flew Buster -a dead doll which you can do anything to him- into the sea... hm.. sound so cool.
They do all movie action and unfortunately, almost 50% of those action are only over-dramatic action. Hahaha. They are 'BUSTED'.

Wes pokoke sing jenenge ilmu pengetahuan iku kweren pwol nuotok njedok wes. Iso nggarai nganga tok ndelok e. Hahaha. Wong e yo apikan. Bayangno ae wes penelitian angel-angel mek dikei hadiah Nobel men. Nduwe bedhil digae-gae dhewe gatau mateni wong liyane. Nduwe racun yo gatau dilebokno nang ombene wong liyane. Hahaha.

Being a geek is cool B)
*if and only if you're not anti-social*