
Sunday, May 22, 2011

Special Force

People change. I change.

Waktu SD, lumrah teman-teman 'bolo-boloan'. Pernah saya merasa saya 'nggak dibolo' dan merasa tidak punya teman sama sekali. At that time, I felt I have no one to play with. Rasa trauma itu ada dan semua orang pasti berharap kejadian seperti itu tidak pernah terjadi lagi. Termasuk saya.

Saat SMP, berharap kejadian SD tidak terulang lagi, I change. Semakin membaik ketika saya dekat dengan 'teman baru'. Bukan teman baru sebenarnya, karena saya juga sudah kenal mereka saat SD. At that time, I learn how to share and laugh at peoples' joke as our perspective. I love what I like and I love to share it with other, and it's lovely to laugh together.

Saat SMA, saya harus benar-benar disadarkan bahwa dunia tidak hanya bersenang-senang dan tidak selalu berjalan seperti apa yang kita bayangkan, apalagi kita perintahkan. No, the world wouldn't listen, people mostly don't listen. At that time, I learn how to warn people I love, share my bad feeling about them, be honest, and the most important, accept my self in others' perspective with a big heart. Banyak sekali yang terjadi saat SMA. Proses pendewasaan awal yang sangat menantang. Bukan hanya berkutat dengan diri sendiri yang sejak kecil suka menyembunyikan masalahnya sendiri. Tapi juga berkutat dengan manusia di sekitar yang ikut berubah.

Saat ini kuliah. And in this time, I learn how to discuss and how to make a way out, not only with a big heart, but also with a good decission, and look for a bigger perspective.

Terima kasih untuk semua teman SD, teman bermain saya. It was a fun childhood and also a good lesson to bring my self as happy as I am now.

Terima kasih untuk semua teman SMP, teman geje saya. Jujur masa SMP ini adalah masa yang paling blur di memori saya. Tapi saya tahu pasti, disinilah saya belajar menjadi seimajinatif dan sekreatif saat ini.

Terima kasih untuk semua teman SMA, my everything. When I cried, laughed, suffered, fooling arround, overjoyed, EVERYTHING. Special thanks for my sister, my gossip girl, my shopping mates, my fashion buddies, my crazy-little-bastard-who-taught-me-how-to-curse *hahahahaha, tanggung jawab!*, my wound-cure, my shoulder to lean on, my-nagging-listener, Valonia, Desita, and Cipicip. :)

Thanks to valonia who taught me what's a passion is, what's a dream is, what's an obsession is, how to express your feeling nicely, how you hate someone in style, what fashion is, and many more. I don't love you, Cuwa does. hahahha. But you know me so well you will know what my heart would tell :)

Thanks to desita who taught me how to proud about something what I've done, how to spread the love to everyone, how to act motherly, how to behave i-dont-care in the right time, and how to see a classic time, classic moment, classic things, to become what we headed in the future.

Thanks to cipicip who taught me how to 'price the life', how to feel gratefull and gracefull about everything that we have achieved, how to feel 'ikhlas', how to enjoy the work even it's almost kill ourself *and make us skinnier yeah cip :P*.

Thanks to my teman geje. I'm so sorry I wouldn't tell a story about each of you all in this post. I've already cried a lot just remember you all. :'( I promise, I would write some. I love you so much, please understand :*. You all will never be 'number 2' fighting in my heart with my 3 friend above :D You all my love. It's all the same :*

Buat teman kuliah saya. Gosh, you all crazy. hahahahha. Memang kalian dan teman SMA tidak bisa disamakan, baik sifat, tingkah, maupun kelakuan dan keasikan kalian. Tapi memang keadaannya berbeda. Tapi kalian nggak kalah gila. Hanya saja kita semua sudah semakin dewasa dan harus belajar mendewasakan diri sendiri. :D

I'm so proud of you SNSD *ini bukan snsd yang kakinya panjang2 itu ya, plis, jangan disamakan sama kw kita yang di korea sono ya. hahahhaa*

I really am.

You teach me how to express my tought freely and say I hate it when I feel it like that. It's just that simple. But the most important things is you teach me how to speak what I usually hide just for my self. And I learn it's okay to have problem and share it, and it's so fun when we can go through it together.
I love you so much.

People spam, friend chat, but best friend is always talk from heart to heart.

waaaaa believe me, I cried so much when I write this.

love you all
:* :* :*

*post khusus, seget, agil, tegg, dan yang lain-lain ga boleh golek perkoro =___=*


nurul yuni arrifa said...

\(^.^)/ yeah

AstrisDP said...

loh kan cipi kan ==;
kodok lepas....
itu temenku si nurul yuni itu punya boneka kodok namanya popon *apa sih?!*
kangen cipi :*
go write something, hurry =__=

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